Montag, 2. März 2009

Review Of Stop Procrastinating Today

Review Of Stop Procrastinating Today

Procrastination is one of the biggest killers of success in the world today. More people suffer from it than just about anything else. Well, FINALLY, somebody wrote a book on the subject that will kill your procrastination cold. And for a change, the information isn’t coming from some hack marketer. This info comes from a world renowned success coach who is the secret weapon used by many big companies such as Walt Disney, AT&T, IBM and Xerox. Her name is Lee Milteer. Go look her name up on the Internet. She’s appeared on stage with the likes of:
Dan Kennedy
Jack Canfield
Mark Victor Hansen
Tony Robbins/Zig Ziglar
The late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Stephen Covey
Brian Tracy
Og Mandino
Ted Koppel
Lynn Redgrave
Marlo Thomas
T. Harv Eker
This gal is the real deal.

Well, this book is the real deal too. To start with, there are 4 case studies of actual people who have used this information to achieve success in their lives. One guy cut his work week from 60+ hours to just 3 days a week. Another guy is now working part time as a consultant and is making 30% more than he was when he worked full time.

In a nutshell, this is a 21 day bad habit breaking system that is almost fool proof. Inside, you’ll discover the # 1 critical thing needed for success. There is also a reward system that will keep you motivated. It teaches you when and how often to reward yourself for accomplishments.

The book essentially goes over the root of bad habits and how to break them…procrastination at the top of the list.

The tactics in this book are truly incredible. Lee Milteer knows her stuff. I don’t know how the author, Martin Brock (I don’t even know who he is) got her to reveal this stuff, but just be glad that he did. It’s professional caliber info.

Look, I could go on raving about this book all day long but then you’d just get bored to death. So why not just go to the site and see for yourself. I have no doubt that you’ll be totally blown away.

Here is the site where you can get the info.

Click here to defeat Procrastinating